About Me

Once upon a time, I studied the plate boundaries of this world. Now, I’m creating my own worlds. Born in Berlin, Germany, I now live in Wellington, New Zealand – or as I like to say: the other end of the world. I’m a proud hybrid author. Not only do I write, edit, and publish in German and English, I also love working with traditional publishers and doing my own thing.
My writing career kicked off with quite a bang when I won a writing competition for German publisher Ueberreuter, resulting in my debut novel “Tanz der Feuerblüten”, a Japan-inspired novella. Almost simultaneously, my first self-published novel “Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe” hit the shelves and went on to win the 2018 SERAPH for “Best Independent Title”. Contrary to my first two novels, dancing is not an overarching topic of mine. Instead, I often like to tell tales of mental health and environmental issues. My main genres are anything speculative (yes, I’m one of those authors that can’t focus on a niche) and coming of age novels.
If I’m not writing or doing anything related (which my family can assure you is almost never), I have a plethora of hobbies, such as aerial acrobatics, cake decorating, drawing, reading, and anything crafty you throw my way.
Recognition & Awards
Midlist – Skoutz 2020 for “Best Fantasy Book” for Ashuan 1.6 – Habgier.
Longlist – Sir Julius Vogel Award 2020 “Best Short Story” for Avoiding the Rush.
Shortlist – Deutscher Phantastikpreis 2019 “Best Short Story” for Unter der Erde.
WINNER – SERAPH Phantastikpreis 2018 “Best Independent Title” for Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe.
Longlist – Deutscher Phantastikpreis 2018 “Best Novel” for Im Bann der zertanzten Schuhe.
Longlist – Deutscher Phantastikpreis 2018 “Best Debut Novel” for Tanz der Feuerblüten.
Shortlist – Deutscher Phantastikpreis 2018 “Best Anthology” for Es war einmal … ganz anders.
WINNER – “uebersinnlich” Writing Competition 2017 by Ueberreuter, leading to the publication of Tanz der Feuerblüten in March 2017.
Want to Support Me?
Visit my Patreon page to become a member and receive weekly updates, exclusive shorts and much more. Or if you’re a blogger or other creative, chances are, I’m gonna love your ideas (and come up with even bigger ones). In any case, contact me via janna@janna-ruth.com.
Kiwiberry Editing
Besides writing, I offer several author services via Kiwiberry Editing, such as editing, proofreading, translation from English to German and my personal favourite: fantasy map consultation. You see, I need to put my geology skills to some use, and if it’s making sure more fantasy rivers flow downhill (you’d be surprised how little do), then my education has been worthwhile. Check out my webpage and get in touch if you’re interested in booking my services.