Publication: Tanz der Feuerblüten (Dance of the fire blossoms)
It’s time. Today, my debut novel “Tanz der Feuerblüten” (Dance of the fire blossoms) is available. It is a japanese-style fantasy love story about ghosts, demons and the magic of the elements. The novel is published by Ueberreuter Verlag within the (eBook only) uebersinnlich series. The eBook is available on the publisher’s homepage, at Amazon.de and other eBook traders for 2.99€. Blurb: (unofficial translation) The sunset palace is full of flawless beauty: water, metal, wood, and air are moulded into remarkable artworks for the royal society to enjoy. When the young sword dancer Jinnan arrives at court, his provincial nature makes him feel awkward and overwhelmed by the complex etiquette.…
Protecting the Environment: exalted forest people, talking trees, and the conflict with civilisation
Today, I want to speak to you about the protection of the environment, an age-old topic of literature. Don’t believe me? Let me go into detail. In Germany, we read a book called “Homo Faber” in school. This book written by the famous Max Frisch tells the story of a very technology-focused, stressed businessman that turns away from civilisation and towards nature. The return to nature or the reconquering of the world through nature is one of literature’s and film’s (think Avatar) themes. But how about the fantasy genre? Nature always wins Contrary to the very technical world of steampunk, fantasy is a fierce advocate for the environment. Just…
My visit with the Ueberreuter Verlag
As the winner of the uebersinnlich writing competition I was invited to visit my publishing house, the Ueberreuter Verlag, last Friday (February 10th, 2017). Not only was I showed around the premises, I also got a workshop with best seller author Corina Bomann. A big player in the publishing industry playing it low? If you think about a major publishing house, you would expect something … well, big, impersonal, maybe even mass production. Our welcoming at the Ueberreuter Verlag was nothing like that. It was like being introduced into a big family where everyone is happy to meet you. Maybe 15-20 people work at the publishing house which is…